Tuesday, April 29, 2014

HD Expo 2014 Tips

So it's everybody's favorite time of the year -- HD Expo Vegas time! I thought I would impart some pointers for the first time attendees...

1) Don't wear stilettos to the show. No matter how tempting it is, wear them to the parties and dinners only. Bring several different pairs of shoes with different heel heights, and change them often.

2) Don't get a pedicure before the show. Trust me from personal experience -- your feet will get a working over walking the five miles of booths and dragging the 20 extra pounds of brochures, magazines, bags, and stuffed animals.

3) Dress professionally. Yes we are in Vegas, but dresses that show off your crotch are not kosher for the show or business events. My staff doesn't wear jeans either...

4) Do plan your show stops. Utilize the map online provided by HD Expo to plan your days ahead of time. You want to make it through the whole show to see what everyone's exhibiting.

5) Don't spend more than 10 minutes in one booth -- the people that you regularly work with will bring their stuff to your office after the show is over. The goal is to take in as much as you can and to inspire you for the next year.

6) Drink lots of water. There will be plenty of adult beverages to go around. Bottled water is expensive, but we try to make a stop at Walgreens to get a case of it. There is a Walgreens at the Venetian, or for slightly less expensive prices, try the Walgreens at Las Vegas Blvd & Harmon... Or you could always ask for a cup of water.

7) If you plan on some pool time, bring sunscreen. Don't get burnt before or during the show -- you will be absolutely miserable.

8) Make sure you eat. Pretty simple concept, but sometimes you are having so much fun, you forget to eat.

9) Get some sleep. Remember, this is still a business trip. You don't need to be in bed by 8, but 4am bedtime only hurts you.

10) Say you party too much... take some Tylenol, a Dramamine tablet, and drink a bottle of water BEFORE going to sleep. You will wake up without the hangover... don't let your mattress end up skewered on a statue at Caesar's Palace. ;)

Viva Las Vegas! See you there!

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